Tuesday, 31 July 2018

4. From Angels they became Evil Spirits

God was very saddened by the selfishness and ingratitude of Lucifer and also by the angels who followed him. But He was more saddened, because even though they knew that what they were doing was wrong and were offending their God, they had no regrets and did not apologize for their mistakes. So, in order not to infect the holiness of the heavenly kingdom, He sent them out of it.
Upon leaving, Lucifer and the angels who followed him out of the heavenly kingdom, were immediately abandoned by the grace of the Holy Spirit and the light with which they were shining was lost. From beautiful beings they became so ugly, that no one could look at them without fear and terror at their satanic form!

The virtues and gifts, that until then they had, were lost. Their existence was filled with hatred and evil towards God and His creation. Their work was now only to do evil and destruction. Woe to those who would believe them. They would make them as unhappy as they were.
From angels they had been transformed into demons, and they now had the terrible hell as their home.
After the fall of Lucifer and his angels, God decided to replace their order.  So He created His most perfect creation, man.
God wanted those humans who would live on earth correctly, like angels, according to His Holy Will, to form the new tenth order in His heavenly kingdom.
The demons, because they do not want to see us humans take their place in the heavenly kingdom, have a deadly hate towards us and are fighting us with much malice and cunning.
Demons are very much afraid when they see us loving God with simplicity and humility, like little children, because they cannot easily tease us.
The love we have in our hearts for our heavenly Father God burns them and sends them away. That's why they try to tease us in two ways. On the one hand, to afflict our love for God by putting thoughts of little faith and doubt for the love that God has for us in our minds and, on the other hand, to persuade us with deceit to make mistakes and sins.
They know very well that sins have the power to expel the grace of the Holy Spirit from us and to isolate us from our heavenly Father. So they can easily win our souls and lead them to their own dark kingdom of hell.
Our most merciful God the Father, to help us and protect us from the malice and cunning of the demons, has placed beside us powerful aides; all the angels.
Angels are the best and most faithful friends of humans. They want to see us all one day in the heavenly kingdom of God, so they fight the demons with us. They invisibly help us to do good and avoid evil.
They secretly speak to our soul, how to apply the will of God to our lives, but also not to do what Satan tells us. They rejoice when we pray to God our Father and they also pray with us. They also help us repent for our mistakes and ask God to forgive us whenever we offend Him with our mistakes and sins.
Their greatest regrets are when we stray away from God with our sinful lives and become friends with the demons.
We must never forget that those of us, who will love our good God and follow His holy commandments, will go to Paradise with the angels one day, while those who follow Satan in his wicked works will go to hell.

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