Tuesday 31 July 2018

5. God creates man

In six days, with His single command, God created the immense firmament with the bright sun and the countless stars, and the earth with the trees, the flowers, the various tame and wild animals, as well as the sea filled with small and large fish.
However, there was one thing missing from this magnificent and beautiful creation, there was no being to rule over all His creations on earth. So God decided to create His most beautiful and perfect creation, man, to rule over all His creation.
However, while for all the other creatures God created them with a single command; He declared that they were to be created and they were created immediately; man was created in a completely different way.

He first took soil from the earth and made man's body and then blew His divine breath into him. Immediately man received life and his immortal soul. No other creation, except man, has within him the Breath of God. This was the greatest honour and glory for man.
In this way, God created the first man, made up of body and soul, and named him Adam, which means “of the earth.”
God, by giving man His divine Breath, He gave him mind and speech and made him able to think, speak, and with complete freedom to decide everything by himself. That is, He made man to look like Himself, an image of Himself!
In this way, God wanted to show us that all humans are His children and He is the real Father and Mother of our soul. That is why He wants all of us to call Him "Father" and feel Him as the "Mother" of our soul!
God loved man very much. He was His beloved creature. He was feeling for him exactly as a mother feels for her baby. As every child is everything for his mum, so we are everything for God our Father!
So that Adam would not be alone, God decided to give him a companion. God wanted Adam to have someone like him, so that he could talk to him and rejoice with him about the beauties of His creation. So one day, having first put Adam into a deep sleep, He took one of Adam's ribs and made a woman, to be his companion for all his life.
When Adam awoke and saw the woman in front of him, he was very happy. He called her Eve, meaning life, and then he thanked His heavenly Father for this precious gift.
With this first couple, Adam and Eve, the first family was created. God blessed the first couple and told them to have many children in order to rule the earth.
Adam and Eve are called protoplasts because they were the first humans who were created on earth. But they are also called forefathers because all humans are descended from them.
With the creation of man, which happened on the sixth day, God completed all His wonderful creation.
On the seventh day, God rested, being pleased with all that was made so perfectly and beautiful. That is why the seventh day was called Saturday, which means a day for rest and relaxation.
Later on, in Christian times, this day was replaced by Sunday, which is dedicated to the Lord and specifically to the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

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